Researchers of all disciplines (e.g. economics, demography, geography, political science, public health, and sociology) who use Eurostat microdata (SILC, LFS, AES, SES, CIS, CSIS, EHIS, HBS and TUS ) are encouraged to participate and to submit an abstract for the 6th EU-Microdata User Conferences in Mannheim, March 7-8, 2019.
All presentations must be comparative and include data from at least two countries. Topics addressed in the 6th User Conference include e.g. poverty and social exclusion, income inequality, low wage earners, gender earnings gap, migration and labour mobility, the impact of the financial crisis around 2008 on employment and unemployment, quality of work, innovativeness of enterprises, adult education, skills and qualification, and social aspects of health. In addition to substantive issues, presentations focusing on methodological topics are highly welcome. They may include e.g. questions of data quality, cross-national and inter-temporal comparability as well as the comparability of different EU surveys.
The deadline for submissions of abstracts is September 29, 2018. Proposals should be submitted online via the presentation submission form. The submitters will be notified by December 15, 2018, whether their abstract was accepted for presentation or not.
For any further questions please visit the conference webpage.