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This data set was the basis for a research program on the dynamics of joint stock companies in Italy between in the first age of Italian industrialization, namely between 1883 and World War 1. It covers the totality of Italian companies, thanks to the capillary scrutiny of the bulky “Bollettino Ufficiale delle Società per Azioni” (BUSA), that is the official weekly bulletin reporting all the capital changes within the Italian universe of limited companies. Since 1883, the year of the new Italian company law, this bulletin had been required by law to register all the companies’ births as well as statutory changes such as incorporations, capital variations and closedowns: this means that thousands of relevant pieces of information were recorded each year.
Overall the dataset registers 4.777 entries, that is companies of which at least one piece of information has been recorded between 1883 and 1913. In the last year 3.663 companies were still fully active.
The data is available through the dedicated portal, accessible by clicking the orange icon on the right. The database was built and made available online by Esseti servizi telematici s.r.l.
Keywords: economy, history, investment, joint stock company
Topic Classification:
Nations: Italy
Geographical Unit: province
Analysis Unit: organization
Universe: Active joint-stock companies in Italy during the period 1883-1913
Sample Procedure: complete sample
Weight: No weight used
Collection Mode: content coding
DDI Documentation: |
- Toninelli, P.A. (2016). La dinamica delle società di capitale in Italia secondo le rilevazioni del BUSA, 1883-1913 in Società Italiana degli Storici Economici, Innovare nella Storia Economica: Temi, Metodi, Fonti, (pp. 233-268). Prato, Italia: Fondazione Datini
- Toninelli, P.A., & Pavese, C. (2014). Joint-Stock Companies Dynamics, Legal Institutions and Regional Economic Disparities in Italy (1858-1914) (Department of Economics, Management and Statistics Working Paper No. 282). University of Milan Bicocca. Retrieved from
Data Use Restriction:
Data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 Licence, available here.
Source Contact: Pierangelo Toninelli
Toninelli, Pierangelo. (1883-1913) Joint stock companies dynamics in Italy. Claudio Pavese [Producer]. Stefano Susini [Producer]. UniData - Bicocca Data Archive, Milan. Study Number SN177. Data file version 1.0 doi:10.20366/unimib/unidata/SN177-1.0
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