
Eurobarometer 75.4: Vocational education and training, social situation, internal security and climate change (2011)

European Commission


Changelog (Source release):

Version 3.0.1 - 2014/02/25
* Archive edition update

V36 Variable label is not correct. The correct label is: W29 WEIGHT EURO ZONE 15 (2008). Label corrected.
V38 Variable label is not correct. The correct label is: W30 WEIGHT NON-EURO ZONE 15 (2008). Label corrected.
V709 The original data for p13be (LANGUAGE OF INTERVIEW - BELGIUM) were reversed, i.e. (almost) all respondents in NUTS 1 regions Wallonia and Brussels are coded as "Dutch" and (almost) all respondents in the Flemish Region as "French". Recode (2=1)(1=2).

Version 3.0.0 - 2013/09/27
* Archive edition

Version 2.0.0 - 2013/09/16
* Archive pre-release (all embargoes lifted)

Changes in this version:
P7PT REGIONS PORTUGAL: Starting with Eurobarometer 62 the NUTS 2 REGIONS for PORTUGAL have changed. In accordance with the official EUROSTAT NUTS 2 version 2003 the region “LISBOA E VALE DO TEJO” is split up and the subregion “Lezíria do Tejo” reinstated to the “Alentejo” Region; “Médio Tejo” and “Oeste” are reinstated to the “Centro” Region. The documentation for P7PT code 3 “Lisboa e Vale do Tejo” is not correct and should read “LISBOA” (NUTS2003-2010: PT17). Regions “CENTRO” and “ALENTEJO” do not change names but regional coverage (NUTS2003-2010: PT16 and PT18). The regions “NORTE” (PT11) and “ALGARVE” (PT15) remain unchanged. Starting with Eurobarometer 62 the autonomous regions AÇORES (PT20) and MADEIRA (PT30) are not covered anymore. This has been confirmed by TNS Opinion & Social as of March 26, 2013. 2013-9-16 Value label corrected.

P7rEL COMBINED REGIONS GREECE: Starting with Eurobarometer 62 the Northern and Southern Aegean Islands ("Voreio Aigaio" with NUTS 2 code GR41 and "Notio Aigaio" with NUTS 2 code GR42) as well as the Ionian Islands ("Ionia Nisia" with NUTS 2 code GR22) are not covered. The documentation for P7rEL code 4 is not correct. The data only cover the island of Crete (NUTS 2 code GR43). This has been confirmed by TNS Opinion & Social as of March 26, 2013. 2013-9-16 Value label corrected.

Version 1.0.0 - 2012/04/02
* Archive pre-release



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Data Kind:
individual data

Time Dimensions:
longitudinal (trend repeated cross-section)

Series Name:
EB - Eurobarometer

334.29 KB
other documentation

The Eurobarometer survey is designed to provide regular monitoring of public social and political attitudes in the EU through specific trend questions. Therefore, the general aim of EB is to know the attitudes and evaluations of European citizens about large general themes. The questions concern to the European integration issues, but sometimes they regard also specific problem about single country or common problems of economic, political or social nature.

The arguments of Eurobarometer 75.4 are as follows:

  • Vocational education and training;
  • social climate: social situation and expectations, familiy planning;
  • internal security: awareness of challenges;
  • climate change: awareness, responsibility, action taken

Data are available for free (registration required). After logging in, please click on the green button download_arrow in the box at the right.

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Topic Classification:

  • EDUCATION - vocational education
  • NATURAL ENVIRONMENT - environmental degradation/pollution and protection
  • SOCIETY AND CULTURE - social conditions and indicators
  • Nations: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

    Geographical Unit: size community

    Analysis Unit: individual

    Universe: whole population of 15 years old and older

    Sample Procedure: about 1.000 for each country. Multi-stage stratified random sample

    Weight: Weight used. Please read the documentation for any details

    Collection Mode: face to face interview, Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)

    Collection Size: UniData supplies: 1 dataset in SPSS format; 1 questionnaire and 1 methodological notes and codebook in PDF format, 1 ISCED classification annex in XLS format (4 file)


    Methodological Notes and codebook (pdf):
    DDI Documentation:
    DDI Documentation

    Data Use Restriction:
    UniData – official representative for the dissemination of Eurobarometer surveys in Italy – provides a free data access for all Italian residents upon registration. Data are released in according to GESIS Licence (Category 0), available at this link. Other users will need to contact the GESIS Data Archive.
    Source Contact: Meinhard Moschner - GESIS

    European Commission. (2011) Eurobarometer 75.4: Vocational education and training, social situation, internal security and climate change. TNS Opinion & Social [Producer]. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences [Producer]. UniData - Bicocca Data Archive, Milan. Study Number SI305. Data file release 3.0.1

    Deposit Requirement:
    The user is obliged to quote all data and documents disseminated by UniData and used in the own publications, using the information previously showed. The user is also obliged to send UniData the bibliographic citations related to the publications where the requested data and documents are used.

    Neither the depositor nor UniData bear any responsibility for the analysis or interpretation of the data produced by the user.