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Flash Eurobarometer study released by the GESIS archive

The GESIS Data Archive has made available new Flash Eurobarometer studies, listed below. The data are freely downloadable from the GESIS website, following the DOI address listed alongside the individual […]


Flash Eurobarometer study released by the GESIS archive

The GESIS Data Archive has made available new Flash Eurobarometer study, listed below. The data are freely downloadable from the GESIS website, following the DOI address listed alongside the individual […]


ICPSR Summer Program 2017 in Quantitative Methods of Social Research

The ICPSR Summer Program provides basic and advanced instruction across a wide range of methodologies and techniques for research in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. The curriculum includes both four-week […]


New version: Eurobarometer 84.3: Life in European Union, Europe 2020, economic crisis, European citizenship, media use, and political participation (2015)

The Data Archive releases a new version of the Eurobarometer 84.3: Life in European Union, Europe 2020, economic crisis, European citizenship, media use, and political participation (2015) survey. The changelog is […]


New version: Eurobarometer 84.2: E-communications, European Union customs, agriculture and Common Agricultural Policy (2015)

The Data Archive releases a new version of the Eurobarometer 84.2: E-communications, European Union customs, agriculture and Common Agricultural Policy (2015)  survey. The changelog is as follows: Data update to […]